The Forum Girls

Created by sharonconnelly1 11 years ago
I met Linda on the Ocean Pines Forum. In fact I got to know about this community on the forum and particularly by Linda'a posts. After a while I noticed that there were only a few women posting, and we didn't know each other personally but got to be friends on the Forum. One day we decided to have lunch and put faces to our "Forum Girls". This was a really fun meeting and Linda, Nancy W. Lisi R. Gail K..Dimitra, and me. We have become friends on and off the forum. We would get together outside the computer and really "get OP things solved" smile Linda was always a step ahead of the issues here and she researched the goings on of OP and never afraid to take on an issue, she made us think. Most didn't know how much the Forum meant to her. I believe our community was the better for having Linda with us and there will be big void now that she is "somewhere" watching over us, still laughing at some of the things that go on here. Linda, I will miss talking to you and especially today. Happy Birthday honey. Sharon