Linda Reaches Out

Created by barnes 11 years ago
I got to know Linda by way of the Ocean Pines Forum where she was an active member. Linda was never reluctant to share her opinion of what would make Ocean Pines a better place to live and more so when it came to following up with the powers to be in the Pines. There was a time when I came to the Forum with a request to help a single mother with two small children that had just moved from a homeless shelter into her first apartment. She literally had little more than a couple of beds, a lamp, a chair and minimal kitchen utensils. Linda was one of the first to respond and supplied a complete set of cook ware delivered to my home. She then partnered up on her own with some other forum members to extend additional assistance. I was unaware at the time that Linda was struggling with her own health issues but that seemed to make little difference when it came to someone else in need. Quite a lady, she will be missed. Jack Barnes